- adjustment correction
- • исправление при согласовании• поправка при смыкании нивелирного хода• поправка при смыкании полигонометрического хода• поправка при смыкании теодолитного хода
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian cartography dictionary. 2013.
adjustment — I noun abatement of differences, accommodatio, accommodation, accord, accordance, adaptation, agreement, arrangement, attunement, bargain, binding agreement, coaptation, compact, composition, compromise, concurrence, conformance, conformation,… … Law dictionary
correction — cor·rec·tion n 1: a decline in market price or business activity following and counteracting a rise 2: the treatment and rehabilitation of offenders through a program involving penal custody, parole, and probation often used in pl.… … Law dictionary
correction — [n1] adjustment; fixing alteration, amelioration, amending, amendment, changing, editing, emendation, improvement, indemnification, mending, modification, rectification, redress, reexamination, remodeling, repair, reparation, rereading, revisal,… … New thesaurus
correction — /keuh rek sheuhn/, n. 1. something that is substituted or proposed for what is wrong or inaccurate; emendation. 2. the act of correcting. 3. punishment intended to reform, improve, or rehabilitate; chastisement; reproof. 4. Usually, corrections.… … Universalium
correction — The act of reducing a fault; the elimination of an unfavorable quality. occlusal c. 1. the c. of malocclusion, by whatever means is employed; 2. elimination of disharmony of occlusal contacts. spontaneous c. of placenta previa the upward… … Medical dictionary
correction de parallaxe — paralakso pataisa statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Dydis, vartojamas sekstanto rodmeniui priderinti prie jo ekvivalento Žemės centro atžvilgiu. atitikmenys: angl. parallax adjustment; parallax correction vok. Korrektur… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
correction de la parallaxe — paralaksinė pataisa statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. parallax adjustment; parallax correction vok. Parallaxenausgleich, m rus. поправка на параллакс, f pranc. correction de la parallaxe, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
adjustment — noun 1) a period of adjustment Syn: adaptation, accommodations, acclimatization, acclimation, habituation, acculturation, naturalization, assimilation 2) they had to make some adjustments to their strategy Syn: modification, alteration … Thesaurus of popular words
adjustment — An arrangement; a settlement. In the law of insurance, the adjustment of a loss is the ascertainment of its amount and the ratable distribution of it among those liable to pay it. The settling and ascertaining the amount of the indemnity which… … Black's law dictionary
adjustment — An arrangement; a settlement. In the law of insurance, the adjustment of a loss is the ascertainment of its amount and the ratable distribution of it among those liable to pay it. The settling and ascertaining the amount of the indemnity which… … Black's law dictionary
correction — noun Date: 14th century 1. the action or an instance of correcting: as a. amendment, rectification b. rebuke, punishment c. a bringing into conformity with a standard d. neutralization, counteraction … New Collegiate Dictionary